It has been a little too
long since I last updated this, safe to say the weeks following my last post were
slightly more real-life daily adjustment than anything remotely adventurous or
exciting. The odd motivated pupil and pleasant afternoon chatting to someone
other than myself being as interesting as it gets. C’est la vie. The quest to feel “settled” (something I am beginning
to doubt will happen) was however interrupted to my great pleasure by a visit
from Maman et Hannah. Everyone I told about the visit assured me that ca me ferait du bien, and they were
right. It did do me good indeed. We spent a lot of time sat around my kitchen
table drinking the “proper” tea kindly brought over to replenish my supplies,
cooking what we eat at home, and having lots circular conversations (the norm chez moi). Thus the trip was more home-from-home than
adventures in Alsace, but for me this was just right. It is funny how much we
can miss seemingly trivial facts of existence, and even things that normally
are more a source of annoyance than the substance of fond memories!
We did of course do a little
exploring - I couldn’t not show off Alsace’s finest picture-postcard villages.
We also braved the cold to spend the day in Colmar, where it was necessary to
do what the Graces do best and seek refuge in eating/drinking establishments.
This was accompanied by what the Graces do even better – walking aimlessly for
up to an hour each time in search of said establishments, increasing both
appetite and tension in a prolonged and indecisive search for the perfect spot.
Thursday lunchtime this spectacle commenced, but luckily as ever it was when we
were on the brink of giving up that we stumbled across our refuge from the
cold, this time providing hot soup, fresh bread, and even pots of tea to
follow. Refreshments aside (though to
us the detail of primary importance), it was 4 days I was sad to see come to an
end. Un peu de chez moi at just the
right time.
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