Sunday 11 November 2012

Une Toussaint plein d’aventure: première partie.

With the beginning of November came les vacances de la Toussaint – two weeks holiday just 4 weeks in to my clearly taxing role as a Language Assistant. I decided to make the most of my temps libre (well, the addition to the free time that already seems to characterise my working week…) to travel slightly further afield. First stop: La Paris. Not only the most obvious where-to of the francophone world, and thus a year abroad essential, but also home to my good friend Lauren. Wearing more clothes than contained in my suitcase, I stepped off the TGV into the heaving pre-rush hour Gare du Nord. Considering where I live passing traffic equates to a dog walker or pensioner on a bike (it seems literally everyone cycles…) the task of navigating the metro amidst a crowd of clearly time-poor Parisians left me more than a little flustered and very much in need of the cup of tea that awaited us chez Lauren. . Following a traumatic arrival, I luckily adapted to city life in time to make the most of my visit to the Capital, and by Monday I could handle the claustrophobic maze that is Parisian public transport (A particular highlight in this domain was an amusing moment on Saturday evening when I found myself directing some Italian tourists on the RER…. slightly odd considering that my tourist status was double-fold that weekend) We made sure to fulfil all the touristic requirements of a sejour a Paris, and added a few particularities of our own to the itinerary. The highlights were as follows:

A walking tour encompassing all the post-card hotspots: Notre-dame, le Louvre, les champs elysées…. with ample refreshment breaks to fill a chocolat-chaud quota and make the most of wet weather…
Seeing the Eiffel Tower lit up in the evening… and an embarrassingly keen run from the metro to make it in time to see it twinkle on the hour
A matinee performance of the comedie musicale “1789: Les Amants de la Bastille” – with power ballads, dance numbers and a bit of French history thrown in, what wasn’t to like?!  (Bonne anniversaire Lauren!)
A romantic evening walk along the Seine, followed by dinner out. I even summoned the courage to sample un escargot, reasoning when offered that it must be done at some point. Verdict? Not as degoutant as i had feared. Indeed i was slightly underwhelmed - it had the consistency of a mushroom and all traces of snail were covered by an overpowering but agreeable sauce. At least it's one to tick off the list however. 
A trip to Versailles, which left us feeling sufficiently cultured (and with better interior design taste than had the French monarchy…)
My very own personal tour-guide, with habitant status and knowledge, and not to mention the welcome dose of familiarity and good company that came with it.

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